Prem Mandir (meaning Temple of Divine Love) the most structure of the temple is made in marble which is breathtakingly wonderful and is an academic monument that reflects truth history of Sanatana Dharma. Prem Mandir is that the youngest of the temples in Vrindavan.

The Prem Mandir temple campus is large and spread across in acres of land with eye-catching statues and enormous scale monuments including lush green garden and flowers, keep Visitors in awesome company. Prem Mandir isn’t only so beautiful but the values of depicted and maintaining the essence of affection propagated by Lord Krishna too amazing. The Idols within the main temple are adorable and that’s a sight and treat to eyes.


pream mandirA circumambulation route on the platform of the temple enables visitors to enjoy the sweetness of the 48 panels depicting the pastimes of Shri Radha Krishna which are carved on the outer walls of the temple. 84 boards discovered on the sanctuary’s outside show the caring hobbies of Shri Krishna portrayed on Shrimad Bhagavatam.
There are many portraits and monuments of Krishna Leela (miracles of Lord Krishna) inside the temple like Krishna Kaliya Nnaag Leela and Govardhan Parwat Leela. the sweetness of the temple is enhanced in the dark thanks to the exceptional display .


A visit to the present temple of affection will gift you with a divine experience of tranquillity. Considered an enduring wellspring of heavenly love, a ceaseless stream of dedication will stream for a very long time to return through this interesting landmark. Prem Mandir in Vrindavan is undoubtedly one among the important temples in Vrindavan.

pream mandirPrem Mandir may be a temple located in Raman Reti Road Vrindavan and it’s about 5 kilometers from Mathura, Uttar Pradesh (a state in India). This temple was built by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj in Mathura and therefore the stone was laid by him within the year 2001. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj was the fifth Jagadgurur and was known for being an enormous follower of Lord Krishna.

pream mandir

The foundation stone was laid ahead of thousands of Lord Krishna and Lord Rama devotees because the ground floor of the temple is devoted to Lord Krishna and Radha, and therefore the second floor of the temple is devoted to Lord Rama and Sita. The story of Lord Rama and Sita and therefore the story of Lord Krishna and Radha are carved into the stone within the temple where the tourists are going to be ready to glance at the lives of the gods and goddesses.

More than 1000 craftsmen were engaged with planning the Prem Mandir sanctuary design and it required 12 years to complete the construction of the sanctuary. The structure of the temple is totally built with Italian marble and was built consistent with the Rajasthani, Somnath, and Gujarati architecture. of these architecture, styles are known for being unique and showcase the royalty of the structure. This temple and therefore the vicinity are being maintained by the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat International NPO, which is an academic, spiritual, and public trust.

Good Time To Visit by Evening- Light Sow, Water fountain Show, 

pream mandir


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