Statue of Buddha: The statue is 6.10 meters long and is made of monolith red sandstone. It represents the “Dying Buddha” reclining on his right side with his face towards the west. It is placed on a large brick pedestal with stone-posts at the corners.

Kushinagar is one of the four most significant Buddhist pilgrims on Earth. the other three are Lumbini, Bodhgaya, and Sarnath. These pilgrimages are the four most significant pilgrimages within the entire world because each pilgrimage holds large importance during the lifetime of Lord Buddha. Like, Lumbini is known since Lord Buddha was born thus being the important Buddhist Pilgrimage. Bodhgaya is that the place where Buddhism really started since Lord Buddha attained “Enlightenment”. Kushinagar is that the place where Buddhists believe that Lord Buddha attained his Parinirvana after his death. And Sarnath is known because of the place where Lord Buddha started his first teachings.

Kushinagar, also mentioned as Kushinara in Urdu could also be a town in Kushinagar District of Indian State of Uttar Pradesh. In the Kushinagar district, Kushinagar is additionally a Nagar Panchayat. this is often the place that Lord Buddha chose to die, making it one of the important Buddhist pilgrimage.

“ Now the Blessed One advised the bhikkhus – Well now, bhikkhus, my counsel is: experience is disappointing, through vigilance you succeed. These are the last words for the Tathagata”- Lord Buddha

These is the last teachings shared by Lord Buddha among the large group of disciples.

It is believed that among various reasons, there are three reasons for Lord Buddha to choose this place for his Parinirvana. They are:

Kushinagar is that the right venue to evangelize his Maha-Sudassana Sutta.
It is also said that Subhada would visit him during his sermon in Kushinagar and develop his meditation and would become Lord Buddha arahant.
Since the Brahman Doha would be there during his death and solve the matter of distribution of Lord Buddha relics.


Kushinagar has a long and ancient history long before the age of Lord Buddha. During the past, Kushinagar is additionally mentioned as Kushavati and Jatakas. Kushinagar also has Hindu influence during the past. within the famous Hindu scriptures, Ramayan, Kushinar is mentioned because of the town of Kusha (the son of Ram, the king of Ayodhya).

During the age of Lord Buddha, Kushinagar was believed to be the capital of Mallas Kingdom. The Mallas of Kushinara or Kushinagar were great admirers of the Lord Buddha. according to some tradition, it’s said during an ll one amongst, one in every one of the eight Buddha relics were believed to be deposited in a cairn in Kushinagar which they were greatly respected and honored by Mallas of Kushinagar.

Parinirvana Temple
Besides being the place of Lord Buddha attaining parinirvana, Kushinagar is additionally famous for Parinirvana Temple. The Parinirvana Temple is made of bricks and is surrounded by dense forest. we’ll also find Parinirvana stupa in conjunction with Parinirvana Temple.

As we all know Kushinagar is that the place where Lord Buddha decide to provide his last preaching and actually his death. it’s said that the reason for Lord Buddha’s death was falling ill from eating a meal of unknown mushroom species.

Since being one of the four most significant pilgrimages authorized by Lord Buddha himself, Kushinagar is that one of the foremost sacred places for Buddhist supporters and followers. it’s quite influenced within the tourism sector since this place is such an important figure in Buddhism.

Attractive Place:

Indo – Japan Srilanka Temple: Having a famed eight metal statue of Gautam Buddha which was transported from Japan, Indo – japan Srilanka Temple may be a highly visited attraction during the beautiful town of Kushinagar. The architectural brilliance was erected by the Atago Isshin World Buddhist Cultural Association


Chinese Temple: Also Dubbed as Lin sun Temple, the Chinese Temple is different from the opposite shrines placed in Kushinagar. it’s a mix of Vietnamese and Chinese structural design. Not only this, the temple features a majestic statue of Lord Buddha which allures tourists from all across the world.

Wat Thai Temple: one among the most sacred places of Buddhist followers, Wat Thai Temple attracts travelers with its fabulous architectural beauty. it’s enclosed by different sorts of trees and vegetation.

Matha Kuar Shrine: Matha Kuar Shrine houses a statue of Buddha which is believed to possess been constructed of one stone. One must pay a visit to the present temple while on a visit to Kushinagar.

Meditation Park: a little park situated in proximity to the Mahaparinirvana shrine in Kushinagar, Meditation Park boasts of water bodies with bright green exquisiteness making it an ideal destination for meditation. Travelers visit this park to unwind during a peaceful and serene ambiance.

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